TOP 5 ways to raise serotonin & DECREASE stress highs
Katie Stowe Katie Stowe

TOP 5 ways to raise serotonin & DECREASE stress highs

We all want to wake up in the morning, refreshed, excited, and ready to play a big game joyfully and inspired, energized, and ready to take on the adventures of this week, but as most people know, life gets life-ing and between unexpected chores, kids having a bad night (uhh…that means you had a bad night), sales calls that went sideways and the overall discouragement and depressive state of our mental and emotional capacity, life has a way of bullying us back into smallness.

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Welcome, I’m Katie!

I’m an artist, writer, speaker, and creative embodiment coach. I’m so excited you’re here! This is a space for encouragement, open letters to myself, to you…this is a call to authenticity, honesty, a cherishing and a deep compassion for the deepest parts of us.