To create something average…
Katie Stowe Katie Stowe

To create something average…


The truth is, I’ve learned the hard way, that being an artist requires me to embrace boredom, slumps of feeling stretched and uninspired. Yup…in fact, these slumps are some of the most valuable moments of being an artist.

What will you do with boredom? What will you do with the feeling that nothing is happening? What will you do with noise happening around you that WASN’T created by you?

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Those unexpected blessings.
Katie Stowe Katie Stowe

Those unexpected blessings.


In the past several months, I have become more and more aware of the connection that money and noise have to each other. How we spend money is a perfect mirror for what matters most to us and what we don’t want to feel. What we love will be reflected clearly in how we spend our resources. What we hate and don’t want to feel or experience will also be reflected in how much of our resources are spent avoiding those things.

Hence anxiety, depression, and stress. Think about your financial stress as of late. Is it because you haven’t reached your goal yet? Or the fear that you never will, the repercussions of imagining what would happen if you didn’t make that money, get that time off, miss out on that opportunity…

What happens when we don’t hit the target?

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I think I’m quitting…
Katie Stowe Katie Stowe

I think I’m quitting…


My whole career has required virtual clients, virtual money, virtual marketing, and virtual worlds. My entire PURPOSE has become so deeply about other women having a “presence.” Being seen and heard and known by others in other countries and states and provinces.

But are we known in our neighborhoods? Are we known in the places that someday will mean everything? The epicenter of your life. If you decide that there are more than your virtual friends, then what? What else is out there? Oh, so much!

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TOP 5 ways to raise serotonin & DECREASE stress highs
Katie Stowe Katie Stowe

TOP 5 ways to raise serotonin & DECREASE stress highs

We all want to wake up in the morning, refreshed, excited, and ready to play a big game joyfully and inspired, energized, and ready to take on the adventures of this week, but as most people know, life gets life-ing and between unexpected chores, kids having a bad night (uhh…that means you had a bad night), sales calls that went sideways and the overall discouragement and depressive state of our mental and emotional capacity, life has a way of bullying us back into smallness.

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“…the camera’s off…”
Katie Stowe Katie Stowe

“…the camera’s off…”

…there is no use hiding and pretending that our lives are as easy as an oat milk latte and a sparkling clean selfie in the kitchen with the sun dancing on your recently blush-kissed face. Do we have these moments? Yes. But…they are strewn between anxious mornings, messy hair days, no-show sales calls, number crunching, gas costing 40 cents more, and lonely nights.

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Welcome, I’m Katie!

I’m an artist, writer, speaker, and creative embodiment coach. I’m so excited you’re here! This is a space for encouragement, open letters to myself, to you…this is a call to authenticity, honesty, a cherishing and a deep compassion for the deepest parts of us.